Make an Appointment

If our office is closed you can make your own appointment. Keep in mind that our office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  We ask that you make your appt. starting at 8:30 a.m. and before 3:45 p.m. Fill out the following information which includes your ORC Codes needed to be printed. Once completed you must email your form to us at Include your phone number in case we have to contact you before your appt.  You will receive an email confirmation usually within 24 hours.  This form is for Electronic printing only.  If you need ink printed you must call our office for an appointment.

  • Your Name:_________________________________________________________
  • Phone:______________________________________________________________
  • Appt. Info:  Date:__________2024   Day:______________Time:___________
  • Where are your results going:
  • Company Name:____________________________________________________
  • Address:____________________________________________________________
  • Check what is needed:   BCI____      FBI____    Both____
  • BCI ORC Code:______________________      FBI ORC Code_______________
  • IS THIS A DIRECT SEND?  If Yes, where?____________________________

If you don’t know your codes please call your employer, school, or whoever is asking for the background check. They will advise you & give you the code/codes

EMAIL THIS COMPLETED FORM TO: You may need to copy and paste it to your email. Should you have questions call us at 330-788-9945.  You will receive a confirmation via email or phone within 24 hours.

INK PRINTING appointments must be made over the phone. Same day appts. are available, please call 330-788-9945.  Cards are available at our office.